Past Paper // Present Marks: Responding to Rauschenberg ~ Pre-Order Now from Radius Books

So thrilled to share the news of a new book:

Past Paper // Present Marks: Responding to Rauschenberg is a collaborative monograph with the glorious Odette England that will be published by the amazing team at Radius Books and feature essays by Susan Bright, David Campany, and Nicolas Muellner. The work was produced while Odette and I were at the Rauschenberg Residency in Captiva, Florida.

It is such an honored to be in the company of friends, mentors, and artists we admire (Justin Kimball, Steve Smith, Allison Rossiter, Babara Bosworth and many others). Special Thanks to all those who made this possible especially the folks at Photolucida and the Rauschenberg Residency: Specifically; Laura Moya, Audra Osborne, Ann Brady, Matt Hall, Carrell Courtright and Leila.

Pre-Order your copy at:

First Exhibition Announcement Coming Soon!